Well, long time and no updates. I was taking a class on data bases last spring which kept me busy and during the summer I had computer troubles (I know it is hard to believe that I had problems with a computer).
I did well in my data base class and got an A. It was on SQL and I did learn some things I could use at work, which was the intent. Computer Problems!! I upgraded to Fusion 11 (I have been using Fusion 8) to create my web page in May. Shortly after the upgrade my computer started freaking out and rebooting on its on and said that there was no Operating System. If however I put a Windows install disk in the CD-ROM and restarted it, it would start until it would randomly decide to restart Well, it turns out it was a video driver issue and unistalling and reinstalling the video drivers fixed it.
After struggling with the switch from Fusion 8 to Fusion 11, I think that I am ready to finally start posting some new news and pages on my website. Fusion 11 has some new features that I am hoping I can use on my website.
Inntrepid - September 7, 2008